EP15: Claude Silver: Everyone and Everything is A Teacher
Episode Description
Claude silver is the worlds first chief heart officer for Vayner Media which has an ethos of “people first”. Claude’s only JD is to touch the hearts of everyone at the company - she is an intuitive, a feeler, and a spiritual being who gets to translator all of that magic into the workplace.
I think you’ll find joy, solace and lots of love in this episode as we cover emotions in the workplace, building psychological safety and how soft skills like kindness and patience are the real superstars of company culture. Brew some tea, get your pen and paper out and enjoy this special episode.
Show Notes
In this episode, you will learn:
How Claude’s childhood growing up in NYC and Santa Fe
How a game called, “Lead my people” with her Dad influenced her leadership style and worldview
Claude’s most influential people growing up
How Claude’s childhood and struggles in academics early on shape her emotional capacity and intelligence
How Outward Bound helped shape Claude into a leader
What two core learnings remain with Claude to this day: 1. “It’s really not about being right, it’s about being better, about giving, about creating places where people feel loved.” and 2. “We all have this reservoir of untapped potential inside of us. What are we going to do about it?”
The power of our internal narrative for mental health and how it shapes the way we show up in the world.
Anything that I do that is not in love, that’s fear.
How Claude always finds a way to see the light within darkness
What spiritual practices resonate work for Claude
David Whyte’s work in corporations, and his book, “The Heart Aroused: The Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America”
The word culture comes from the word cul-ture, which means “cultivate of the soul”.
On being a human: “It’s the biggest gift of all, and every single day, every single hour is a surprise. It’s the biggest gift of all.”
How there is no business success without the people.
How emotional regulation, gratitude and patience are the soft skills that need more press and attention.
How self-compassion is a core unlearning and relearning for Claude
“If companies could unlearn priorities, where they put their time and energy and heart, they would unlock the people.
Check out Claude’s podcast, “Emotional Optimism” on Apple and Spotify podcasts and follow her on LinkedIn here.